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About RU VDS

A virtual server rental business called RU VDS was established in Korolev, Moscow, in 2016. They collaborate with cloud service provider Huawei. Their data center holds an FSTEC certification. To create cloud technologies, programmers can collaborate in a forum.

The RuCloud project, which specializes in offering services in the area of cloud technologies, uses RUVDS as a service to provide the usage of VDS / VPS servers. The service is entirely automated, and an intelligent system tracks the condition of each virtual machine separately as well as the service as a whole.

In terms of technological specifications, the company provides some of the lowest-priced virtual servers available in the hosting industry. You may be confident that your friends, acquaintances, or website visitors will receive the very finest service if you recommend their services to them.


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About RU VDS

A virtual server rental business called RU VDS was established in Korolev, Moscow, in 2016. They collaborate with cloud service provider Huawei. Their data center holds an FSTEC certification. To create cloud technologies, programmers can collaborate in a forum.

The RuCloud project, which specializes in offering services in the area of cloud technologies, uses RUVDS as a service to provide the usage of VDS / VPS servers. The service is entirely automated, and an intelligent system tracks the condition of each virtual machine separately as well as the service as a whole.

In terms of technological specifications, the company provides some of the lowest-priced virtual servers available in the hosting industry. You may be confident that your friends, acquaintances, or website visitors will receive the very finest service if you recommend their services to them.



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